Sunday, 18 September 2016

Day 18 - Heading home

About 12 days was the expectation. So into Day 19.

My passage is not over yet. The journey from Falmouth to Milton Keynes is almost Dickenson, rewind to early 20th Century. To Fly takes 4 hours, train takes 7 hours and coach is 10 hours. Forget HS2 this beautiful part of Britain deserves better infrastructure both physical and digital.

Today's picture is the dark truth behind ad-hoc crewing. You have to get to the boat and get back home. Sitting on my bright yellow sail bag it's cold and darker here in downtown Falmouth at 0630. The big white coach will arrive soon. Brrrr very soon I hope.

My reader may think WOW it's fantastic, a bit of a jolly, has Ken finished working, is this his new job? This passage is part of a shared vision for Jane and me. It's about gaining knowledge and experience so come the day the Catamaran "Young at Heart too" slips the moorings all those who choose to sail or cruise with us can do so safely - it wi be fun in da sun man. After all in our first season we've done a F10 Storm and got home. This passage had something of everything for Sailor Kenny and via Blog and personal log book Skipper Jane too.  My personal log will be presented to Senior Skipper Jane for a full debrief (big on that sort of thing in nautical circle) and inspect. Do hope it passes with flying colours.

This simple trip Ibiza to Falmouth was beautiful, eventful and challenging too. We had good winds, no winds, too much wind, sailing, motoring, bare pole drifting, sail repairs, dolphins, whales, Italian cooking lessons from Abdullah, full on board and submarine Customs inspection, crew loss, short watches, long watches, shared watches, night watches, hailing ships, sunshine, rain, fog too, a great Catamaran and great company. It was only a simple trip. It was supposed to be 12 days or. It was 18 days. But it's been worth the extra days, every degree, every minute, every second. Next time Skipper Jane will be there too. Next time it might be the Azores.

Till next time the passage home which already is full of incident the A39 closed just outside Falmouth. 3 legs and 2 ports already time is moving but not the traffic. 😣

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Day 17 - Au Revior Brest

We have left Brest.

We got the sails up in the sunshine outside the harbour. The Catamaran R5 flys out of Ras Dde Siene hitting 10 knots.

A French Flotilla apeears. They are following us. The pull up on the portside. Its a race. They went to the left channel and we to the right. Local knowledge vs brutal speed of R5. The cat pounced on the waves as the smashed into the bows. The sails full of wind. The Frenchies with full Gennikers billowing with wind arr cutting through the smooth waters far to our left. Onward, onward, half a league more R5 charged ahead cutting down the choppy waters. Onward, onward we sail despite drop in speed Fabio felt confident enough to put the kettle on for a brew. Were are the Frenchies? But to the stern of course. (See picture)

So good buy to France and thanks for Vodafone 4G. 

We will drop off AIS later today. So long for now folks.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Day 16 - Rest in Brest

Today is Friday.

We are all tied up. The boat ia tied up. Not the crew, although that could be fun practicing knots.

Today maybe a little boring as we wait for the wind to abait. It will not as exciting as the last few days. In fact yesterday afternoon the excitement continued..........

We had a full French Custom Inspection. There were 9 officers in Black Uniforms with guns and forms which arrived on a RIB  (big black inflatable powerboat) with 2 divers too. Under the pretence of compliance of rules, ownership, employment, there was a strong suspicion there was another agenda. Yes folks, BREXIT.

We believe this inspection was a shake down seeking Brexiteers.  Abdullah aka Fabio relaxed as the focus about identity fell on the Chief and me. All questions in faltering Fronglias was meet with faltering Fronglias too. We were not going to get caught as in the movie "The Great Escape" with a simple line "have a nice trip" was not going to get the Chief or me. 3 hours later we were given a certificate and freedom to leave France. (They failed to find the Brexiteers ha ha ha)

Today in the cold grey of a dockyard morning it's been decided we need new identities. New identities so we can sail continue around Europe unchallenged. From now I am Count Carlos Maria Bianco Chikken of Venice, this new persona feels good. Abdullah is sticking to Fabio it work yesterday. The Chief who was born in South Africa is now a Zulu Chieftian, we have kindly suggested it maybe a little implausible as a 5'10" surfer dude might not be tall enough the blue eyes would be unique and South Africa is in Europe. No good the Chief is adement he's a Zulu. 

We the band of three, we a happy breed go about our ship chores, laundry,  washing, cleaning, coiling ropes and packing till dinner.

Fabio is working his identify as he's taking us to Church and Friday mass. The Chief and I seeking affirmation in the brassiere whilst Fabio is on his knees.

The final leg to Falmouth begins tomorrow, Saturday early and it's blog Sunday. Soon R5 will be moored on its pontoon and the crew dispersed. But not till Sunday.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Day 15 - Brest or Breast a nightmare for dyslexic

Phew. Land.

Showers which don't move around.
Toilets that don't rise up and down.
WiFi, phone calls, SMS, emails, Facebook and Twitter.
Calls to loved ones. (My Christmas list this year includes an Iridium Satellite phone).

Latest weather forecast, fill up with water, fill up both diesel tanks (we can have the heaters on with the radiators in the shower rooms aboard too). More Red Bush and odd sods too, Chief has his needs

So we are here in Breast till Saturday due to winds, fatigue, repairs for defective predictive text and spellerr checkers.

Day 14 - Bugger

"Bugger" so we are told by the Chief is an old nautical term. It's all about the bugger factor and being buggered although Fabio and I still lock our cabin doors.

Today we feel a little buggered, some nights can be excileraring but leave you tired, did someone left their door unlocked? The last winds of yesterday's gale have chopped up the sea and while around us the wind at Force 6 (25 knots) is blowing from the right direcrion to get us to Brest. Helpful I did suggest to The Chief the sails might be broken and should he should take them back.

We are still going to Brest but in a short tack up and down up and down slowly head eastwards. If you're follow us on Marine Traffic you will see our track, the tack or triangles as I like to call then,  cute aren't they.

On our boat we have a little saying "it will be 3 o'clock" in the morning. Why? We seem to be out hoisting or dropping sails, rigging sheet, drags. The heavy seas and gale force winds means that we should make Breast for Midnight Wednesday 14th. Fingers crossed.

Day 18- Falmouth. All tied up.

Home. R5 has returned safely to home port. Boat safe. Crew what's left of it are safe. We are all safe from this simple trip.

The passage has been uneventful as we've been under Iron Sails since we turned North. (Nautical information. A catamaran has 4 engines. 1 mainsail, foresail smaller sail and 2 iron sails - aka  engines 1 in each hull so excluding becalm and storms it's mostly sails)

Abdullah disappeared in the night. So did the locker of empty water bottles and all the Gaffer Tape. We are unsure if all three events are related. It was remembered that in a recent Bear Gryills series there was a task making a raft as a task.

Fabio cooked for Arrabbiata Pasta which was yummy and hot. Essential comfort food as the crew morale crashed down just like the temperature. Gone the carefree nature of shorts,  T-shirts and barefoot to thinsular underwater,  fleeces, socks and sea boots (my gloves and hat were consider extreme bit I was warm) all to ward off the cold. English Channel at night was bloody cold.

We saw old Blighty at 0630.
I went to bed end of my watch.

We tied up R5 at 1000
It was just like Chief said 20 hours earlier. Boy he'd hasn't stopped asking what time we moored up.

We hugged. Not sure if it's a sailing thingy but seems big on it. So why not when at sea and all that.

We together this happy band of brothers have gone to get a Full British Breakfast.

This isn't  blog in this adventure as I've got to get home somehow. Pictures videos and a little commentary will follow.

Remember more will be in my first book called "Cruising with Sailor Kenny"

Day 13 - Are we there yet?

We start day 13 under motor as we catch a little storm at the end of yesterday evening bringing down the Spinnaker.

There were "Big issues" aboard such as "disappeared" biscuits, excess water comsumption (a sailor boy has got to look good), fuel (can we have the heaters on Chief? Oh yes Catamaran are toasty warm in the cold), wind (people made)  and wind the lack of stuff for sailing. All this noise about the mundane, little did we know!

We knew that a Gale was head from the Atlantic. Correctly it's  a Depression.  It was running from Ireland down to Portugal and heading east towards us. Buoyed by sunshine, a lovely breakfast with luxury coffee it was an easy decision so we turned towards Brest, France. We had a recommendation for a Fish Restaurant too.

Now sail boats sail, motor boats motor and winds carries weather these self evident truths became very evident by 16.00BST on the 40' Catamaran R5. The wind has brought down on to us a Force 8 Gale (see picture) in all its glory.  At this point I would like ro thank my friemd Maria Ostergren for her warnings of The Bay of Biscay.  It delivered as Maria forecast. Yes Folks we had ourselves a F9 Gale and winds gusting through to 50 Knots F10 with Rough Heavy seas too. Or put another  57mph winds or 92Kmh and waves taller than the length of the boat over 40 feet or 13 metres.

NOW we've a real adventure.

Meanwhile inside R5 the excited crew ran around chasing photos and video of the crashing waves on different sides of the boat. Squels and giggling filled the salooon with joy as tons of water smashed into the hulls and coach roof. The kettle gently whistling for a cuppa, hot dogs simmering in the pan, the rummaging in the cupboards for mustard, mayo and tomato sauce, it was more of a scene inside a caravan in Cornwall.

The day and the night proved equally exciting, waves crashing over the coach roof, night excursion onto deck for this and that, a small incident with a French fishing vessel (he alone was a reason to vote Brexit - b'stard). That day adventures and others all feature in my forthing coming book " Cruising with Sailor Kenny" a Brummies guide to yacht cruising.

Epilogue - Absent Friends

Thanks for the comments, likes and corrections of spellering.

Sailing is a social activity. There's advice, encouragement, a few drinks, good food and new friends. It's not scary being in storm or hoisting someone up the mast or repairing the sail, they are occasions not the norm, mostly it's time with good people in fantastic locations.

On this trip we have enjoyed "beer o'clock" the Chiefs daily reward for crewing.

You can't cook that! Mmm that was good.

No no no we should do this or this is better.

Fondest thoughts and my best wishes to Crew of the Catamaran R5 September 2016.

Chief "Zulu" Chris who's always wanted a boat now hes got the fantastic catamaran R5. I hope he and his family enjoy this for many years. Thanks for the chance to crew the awesome R5.

Fabio who's left the world of IT 3 years ago to become a professional sailor and Yacht Master. You taught me alot. He shown me that I can to cook Italian, well in a fashion. I know he will get his new life.

Fran who's  bad eye took him of the crew rosta early. His cooking was great and the New York Mess a masterpiece of boat desert making. I hope he gets all the adventures at sea he wants.

This trip, adventure was possible with the support and love of my wife Jane. Simply thank you. Next time she will be there at the helm.

Day 12 Dancing in the Moonlight

It was not quite like the hits of Thin Lizzy or Top Loader "Dancing in the Moonlight" but Fabio and I was out on the trampoline in the night.  It was more bouncing than dancing.

Casually attired in T-shirt,  shorts sailing boots, life jackets and stropes. Twice we crawled our way forward, once to raise the Spinnaker, the second time to dowse  and stow. Our movements would win no prizes on the dance floor as  R5 bucked and jumped in pitch black and gusting winds of 25 knots but The Chief did have a nice cuppa with Oreo ready in the Saloon for us both.

Sailing has no nights off which can be more fun than the days crusing which can be tedious there is only so much sunshine you can enjoy.

It's been a good day and a great night.

Day 11 - Proud day for crewman Kenny

We have started the last leg to Falmouth between Atlantic Ocean and Bay of Biscay. It is a notorious piece of Atlantic Ocean previous experience has been literally smooth sailing. What could go wrong?

No wind so we motored through the night. Fog made it interesting.

Today has bee a proud day for me. The Chief wrote up the boats log
14.00 Ken  made lunch. Edible, surprising.
1430 Ken did the washing up, amazing.
1435 Ken when to bed. It had been a strenuous day and theeffort to washing up his first on the trip.

The day just bought so much more too.
1. Now learnt SPINNAKER repairs techniques.  We hit speeds that exposed a few running splits so we dowsed it, repair it and launch it in to 15kts wind. Bravissimo.
2. Bianco Polo Spaghetti. The idea met with distane from Fabio but after finishing a big platter won is grudging acknowledgement as Bravissimo.

All in a day for Sailor Kenny.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Day 10 - Land Ho away we go


No beautiful dawn.
Light airs and port motor supporting the sails but Chief did bring me a cuppa to my bunk at the start of my watch 0700.

The wind has blown up enough for a beautiful sail to the sight of land but the crew will not make landfall as we steer north to home.

Fabio has found his passport, phew. My muesli greek yoghurt with honey and black filter coffee has won more critical acclaim for breakfast. Chief feels with high morale and enough food for 4 (we remember Fran do you?)  we should press on through the waters with Dolphins and Whales to fond welcome of family and friends.

So onwards out into The North Atlantic Ocean.
Ever onwards to the precious stone set in a silver sea
The sceptered isle.
The earth of majesty, the seat of Mars,
The other Eden, demi-paradise,
The blessed plot, the earth, the realm,  England,
Our home.

For those interested in our passage plan.

We will be hoisting the Spinnaker 1200 Saturday changing course for 352 degrees Magnetic to sail 12 hours to Finnestaire. In the night we will drop Spinnaker hoist main sail change course for Falmouth. It is about 0200am Sunday we will loose mobile signal and maybe Marine Traffic too.

We expect to make Falmouth noon on Wednesday.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Day 9 - 36 hours till land fall

We are a out half wayish to Falmouth.

We left Cascais yesterday rigged for storm weather and........we went through the night beautifully. Sea swell was about 10 feet, winds off the port hull about 24 knots and mainsail reef 3.

The cunning plan of Skipper Chris aka Chief is working except..... we have tear in Foresail so Abdullah and Chief got some white gaffer tape to fix the slit. Job done

It has been a day of eating, slumber and Abdullah bad Italian jocks (maybe he is Italian). The sun is setting and Chief is at the helm as his crew sleep off my acclaimed chicken curry before thier next watch under the stars.

Landfall in 36 hours.

Day 8 - One crewman less

New Crew pressed ganged from streets of Cascais.

The death count rose on R5 to 3 with only the Chief surviving.

The deaths were tragic.
1. Fran was killed by chopping board.
2. Ken was killed by Abdullah with pliers on the trampoline.
3. Abdullah was slowly pillowed ro death with a red cushion.

Only the Chief survived and won the game. Coming a shore can be dangerous when there is alcohol involved and a few spare hours.

Sad news Fran is leaving the crew here in Cascais outside Lisbon due to an eye problem. We all wish him well and speedy recovery.

So at the end of day 7 we ate preparing to head out into the Atlantic Ocean for about 20 hours (about 40Nm) to be the right side of the storm before heading to Vigo Spain. This decision has been made to take rough seas to allow us to catch the better winds and follow the storm home. Wish us luck.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Day 7 - Pirates of Falmouth make Lisbon

It's time to introduce the crew as we achieve a milestone we made it to Lisbon before the storm blowing 20 plus knots gusting to 30 knots Northerly against our passage north.

The crew pictured left to right is Abdullah, Me, Chief and Fran.

Skipper Chris he like to be called "Chief" as he's South African and tells us he has a little Zulu in him, we will leave that there.

Fabio the Italian aka Abdullah he's keeps telling us his Italian but can't find his passport, strange that! He's also very dark too but the jocks (jokes) are very funny.

Fran "the Cook" the self appointed Chef De Cusine. A former Brycream Boy (ex RAF) who does amazing thinks with food but also cooks us too. His New York Mess is fantastic.

Me of course. On a pass from Jane to gain more sea time and sailing experience  for our own dream. My job is to sleep in late, make tea, create play lists and blog.

It's not all plain sailing on this boat as there has been 2 deaths and we suspect a 3rd soon . Details are sketchy but the Chief tells not to be scared.

The day improved and we had fun sailing at 8 to 9 knots in 20 knots wind until cracking we lost the Foresail dynimo and had to quickly haul in the sail and make safe sheets.

Off now to celebrate Abdullah birthday.

Day 6 - I went to sea to see what I could see

We are becalmed.

There is NO WIND
There is no drift
There are no ships.
No Dolphins or Whales or even Seagulls
We are alone.

We are becalmed.

The joy of yesterday's game of Charades as evaporated too.

We are Becalmed!

Well not quite true all done for dramatic affect (Thank you Miss Squires - English). The gentle bubble of the alternative engines running move R5 through the smooth waters at a steady 6 knots but even that is making very little breeze to cool the crew.

The four are dispersed to different corners to sleep. Today will be a quiet day for all.

Oh how the day changed. Calm and quiet the a hive of activity.

1. Hoisted skipper up the mast.

2. Saw about 100 dolphins swim to our drifting boat and past.

3. Jump off the boat to swim in the cool blue sea

4. Wind picked up for our passage to Lisbon.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Day 5 - The Race

Sailing on a Catamaran isn't all about bumbling along drinking Gin and Tonic occasionally things have to happen because "Tide and Time" don't wait for no cruiser. Today is such a day.

Today we have 6 hours to depart Gibraltar,  pick up wind and sail with the tidal stream out of the Mediterranean Sea into the Atlantic Ocean. Will we make it?

Yes we did. We blew through at 11 knots with 12.5 knots on a dead run and about 4 foot of waves.

The excitement of the passage was enhanced when the Spinnaker halyard block became detached. Snuffed sail, cut halyard to remove block reattach, gibed and hoisted. The only damage was my finger cut as I folded my sailing knife. OUCH CHUMP.

The afternoon passed with the domestic chore of sewing torn waterproof and charades on the trampoline.

Day 4 - All at Sea

It's the fourth day at sea and the big questions had to be tackled . The big debate swirled around will we make the tidal gate at Gibraltar? Can we catch up with stronger wind? Was going to Mexican wrap for lunch? Why is Ken in charge of the music?

Why had Ken let the wind go?

I had discovered that in a fast Cruiser Catamaran the innner child was screaming to go as fast as possible and the entire crew of 4 had the same inner child. At the start of my watch (0300l we had wind and was gurgling along at the of my watch it was hum of the motor with the ound track of Foreigner. Both noises didn't please the boat of children.

With no wind the decisions became easy. Forget a race to wind, go to Gibraltar and yes it's Mexican wraps. Ken was in charge of the music becauae he had nearly a 1000 track on his smartphone.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Day 3 - Busy before 3am only 3 hours in

An early start and in a short space of time so much happpened.
Twisted Spinnaker
Constant running bilge pump and water sloshing around the starboard
Lunatics singing on VHF emergency channel for nearly 2 hours
2 shooting stars
Clear skies
Gentle hum of port engine

After my watch 6 hours sleep and the sole boards lifted to replace the bilge pump easy job and something to do be fore my next watch.

So far good winds 12 Knots and steady speed of 6.5knots with smooth water, so far.

After 8 hours sailong engines are up and running with course set to Gibraltar l. In an empty sea what do you think could happen? A Spanish Trawler sail towards us despite our 40gedrees of turning away.

The spinnaker is being stowed before our chicken dinner as we prepare for a night of motoring. Only 8 hours till I take watch.

Night all.

Just as was settling we were joined by Dolphins dancing around nearly as much as the crew. 

Day 2 - Awake with a boom

The days fist day and night sailing when quickly and so did my watch 2100 to Midnight.

The wake up call was the Skippers saying he enjoys a Red Bush, being the only redhead on aboard and still in the Queen sized bed feared the worst or best so was out if bed  double quick. It turns out it was the call for breakfast and the Skipper  enjoys Redbush tea.  I am still a traditionalist.

Today we have had lots of sun, smooth waters, light airs so have sailed with supporting engine till late pm when the Spinnaker was hoisted and we made sail with just the swish of lapping  seas.

It was such a relaxing day that domestic duties included washing, sewing and creating play list. Life sailing such a breeze.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Day 1 - Vitals aka food and booze

Our day starts bathed in Sunshine and a trip to Lidel. It was a  long walk back as Lidel have magnetic wheel locks so can't get out of car park.

A few jobs to do before we set sail.
Fuel, water and a wash well or R5.
At 1430 we departed San Anonio bay.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Essential Things for this Passage

So to get the most of the crewing of the Rapier 400 a few items extra to dental floss and Gaviscon and other sailong essentials have been aquired.

My sail bag now has stuffed inside;

1. SELFIE STICK and Samsung Note 3 with photo and video software. Essential for the sunrise photo when alone on watch to look fantastic with a little bit of editing.

2.  Four Charts of this passage. Important to know where your start, where you are going, what's along the way where are you now, no really all essential get it wrong and the next stop could be USA. The boat will have its own but when Jane and I return it would be nice to have a passage and pilotage of our own.

3. Go Pro knock off with 3 batteries and 74gb storage for the Dolphins, Whales, Big Weather and sailing really really fast. Big winds promised from Ibiza to Cape of Vincent (Portugal)

4. Kindle to catch up on reading cruising is great but when a tack could last 2 hours and your not at the helm for 6 hours what else is there to do? Suggestion via blog comments please.

5. A blog. Something to do at airports that have the stores boarded up. Something to challenge a Dyslexic to beat predictI've text and spellerr checkers. Something to read in dotetage about the days when the body worked and the world seemed safer after all what's a Force 9 Gale.


Jane's gift for my Birthday is the longest sailing voyage its part of the plan

Yes there's a plan for our aspiration, our dream. To sail away to Med, across the Atlantic and back to Old Blighty.

This Blog is a record of planned passage (a sailors term for a trip/journey) to help bring a BroadBlue Rapier 400 from Ibiza to Falmouth, Cornwall, UK, and this is the latest and longest passage for me so far about 1600Nm excluding tacking. The boat is a 40' Catamaran capable of 16 knots (fast for a Sailboat) launched only a couple of years ago. if your interested in the Cat just click to the website

BroadBlue Rapier 400 at anchor

Why Sailing?

Its all down to Jane, my smart and beautiful wife. Last year on holiday in Greece walk along harbours after dinner Jane comment that for the price of the Resort Hotel we could have had a Boat.The next day at the hotel lounging on the beach with WiFi that reached the lapping shoreline (literally my feet were in the Med and Samsung Note in hand) I discovered that Jane was right, again! BUT if we wanted to get the most then of independent sailing we need to have "Sailing Papers" ideally become Skippers. As for the comparative price Jane was right we could have a boat and freedom as a Resort Hotel.

Jane and I qualified as RYA Day Skipper this May. In fact Jane has seniority as Skipper to me as she completed her written papers ahead of me, I was out on a 3 days sail. Since then we have sailed with family, friends and strangers (who have become friends, sailing is a friendly activity) on a various boats 36' FP Maha Catamaran, 40' Nautitech Open 40, a couple 36' Sloops, a 47' Pilot Saloon and 38' Nobby Manx Gaff. Since May Jane has accrued nearly 1000nm with a passage down the Atlantic Wall and I have nearly 2000Nm including 2 crossing of the English Channel at night.

Together we are sailing as much as we can as crew on different boats to gain time under the sail. Experience the good and not so good such as blowing up to a Force 8-9 Gale 9 (about 40 Knots up to 47 Knots), we got an hour worth of storm conditions, exhilarating, no really. Last weekend out on the Solent it blew to F6 (about 25-30 mph) at which point all the race boats disappeared and the Furling Line was jamming stopping us reducing foresail, we hauled in as much of the sail we could for a safe run home beart Lymmington. We accept the challenging times to help us on the future. All part of the plan.

Ibiza to Falmouth Cornwall

I will join the Rapier on 31st August in Ibiza. It is expected to sail out on the 2nd August latest, with passage taking 9 days and nights. The passage below is 1646Nm  but is probably going to be in the region of 1800Nm as we will be under sail and motor. There are 2 proposed stops of 12 hours for fuel, water and visiting bars, essential for good crew morale.

Well this is the first post and there will be others as I discovered 3G/4G Mobile Signals are good along the coasts.