We start day 13 under motor as we catch a little storm at the end of yesterday evening bringing down the Spinnaker.
There were "Big issues" aboard such as "disappeared" biscuits, excess water comsumption (a sailor boy has got to look good), fuel (can we have the heaters on Chief? Oh yes Catamaran are toasty warm in the cold), wind (people made) and wind the lack of stuff for sailing. All this noise about the mundane, little did we know!
We knew that a Gale was head from the Atlantic. Correctly it's a Depression. It was running from Ireland down to Portugal and heading east towards us. Buoyed by sunshine, a lovely breakfast with luxury coffee it was an easy decision so we turned towards Brest, France. We had a recommendation for a Fish Restaurant too.
Now sail boats sail, motor boats motor and winds carries weather these self evident truths became very evident by 16.00BST on the 40' Catamaran R5. The wind has brought down on to us a Force 8 Gale (see picture) in all its glory. At this point I would like ro thank my friemd Maria Ostergren for her warnings of The Bay of Biscay. It delivered as Maria forecast. Yes Folks we had ourselves a F9 Gale and winds gusting through to 50 Knots F10 with Rough Heavy seas too. Or put another 57mph winds or 92Kmh and waves taller than the length of the boat over 40 feet or 13 metres.
NOW we've a real adventure.
Meanwhile inside R5 the excited crew ran around chasing photos and video of the crashing waves on different sides of the boat. Squels and giggling filled the salooon with joy as tons of water smashed into the hulls and coach roof. The kettle gently whistling for a cuppa, hot dogs simmering in the pan, the rummaging in the cupboards for mustard, mayo and tomato sauce, it was more of a scene inside a caravan in Cornwall.
The day and the night proved equally exciting, waves crashing over the coach roof, night excursion onto deck for this and that, a small incident with a French fishing vessel (he alone was a reason to vote Brexit - b'stard). That day adventures and others all feature in my forthing coming book " Cruising with Sailor Kenny" a Brummies guide to yacht cruising.
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