Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Day 7 - Pirates of Falmouth make Lisbon

It's time to introduce the crew as we achieve a milestone we made it to Lisbon before the storm blowing 20 plus knots gusting to 30 knots Northerly against our passage north.

The crew pictured left to right is Abdullah, Me, Chief and Fran.

Skipper Chris he like to be called "Chief" as he's South African and tells us he has a little Zulu in him, we will leave that there.

Fabio the Italian aka Abdullah he's keeps telling us his Italian but can't find his passport, strange that! He's also very dark too but the jocks (jokes) are very funny.

Fran "the Cook" the self appointed Chef De Cusine. A former Brycream Boy (ex RAF) who does amazing thinks with food but also cooks us too. His New York Mess is fantastic.

Me of course. On a pass from Jane to gain more sea time and sailing experience  for our own dream. My job is to sleep in late, make tea, create play lists and blog.

It's not all plain sailing on this boat as there has been 2 deaths and we suspect a 3rd soon . Details are sketchy but the Chief tells not to be scared.

The day improved and we had fun sailing at 8 to 9 knots in 20 knots wind until cracking we lost the Foresail dynimo and had to quickly haul in the sail and make safe sheets.

Off now to celebrate Abdullah birthday.

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